
BlueLife TulipsRed Digital RO Water Purifier

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海得拉巴 (印) - 摩加迪沙 (索马里)海得拉巴 (印) - 班珠尔 (冈比亚)
海得拉巴 (印) - 布隆方丹 (南部非洲)海得拉巴 (印) - 巴哈瓦尔布尔 (巴基斯坦)
海得拉巴 (印) - 喀土穆 (苏丹)海得拉巴 (印) - 阿比让 (象牙海岸)
海得拉巴 (印) - 弗里敦 (塞拉利昂)海得拉巴 (印) - 哈拉雷 (津巴布韦)
海得拉巴 (印) - 阿拉卡茹 (巴西)海得拉巴 (印) - 波多黎各王子 (海地)
海得拉巴 (印) - 西班牙港 (特里尼达和多巴哥)海得拉巴 (印) - 维多利亚 (塞舌尔)
海得拉巴 (印) - 基苏木 (肯尼亚)海得拉巴 (印) - 埃斯昆特拉 (危地马拉)
海得拉巴 (印) - 科恰班巴 (玻利维亚)海得拉巴 (印) - 罗索 (多米尼加)
海得拉巴 (印) - 阿斯马拉 (厄立特里亚)海得拉巴 (印) - 法兰西堡 (马提尼克)
海得拉巴 (印) - 奥尔巴尼 (美国, 东海岸)海得拉巴 (印) - 巴尼亚卢卡 (波斯尼亚)
海得拉巴 (印) - 万博 (安哥拉)海得拉巴 (印) - 聖貝納迪諾 (美国, 西岸)
海得拉巴 (印) - 科纳克里 (几内亚)海得拉巴 (印) - 阿克拉 (加纳)
海得拉巴 (印) - 马累 (马尔代夫)海得拉巴 (印) - 阿尔伯克基 (美国, 中环)
海得拉巴 (印) - 奇南德加 (尼加拉瓜)海得拉巴 (印) - 布宜诺斯艾利斯 (阿根廷)
海得拉巴 (印) - 温得和克 (纳米比亚)海得拉巴 (印) - 巴斯特尔 (圣基茨和尼维斯)
海得拉巴 (印) - 卑尔根 (挪威)海得拉巴 (印) - 圣萨尔瓦多 (萨尔瓦多)
海得拉巴 (印) - 自由港 (巴哈马)海得拉巴 (印) - 卡斯特里 (圣卢西亚)
海得拉巴 (印) - 莫罗尼 (科摩罗)海得拉巴 (印) - 阿雷基帕 (秘鲁)
海得拉巴 (印) - 阿坝 (尼日利亚)海得拉巴 (印) - 科托努 (贝宁)
海得拉巴 (印) - 波德戈里察 (黑山)海得拉巴 (印) - 瓦加杜古 (布基纳法索)
海得拉巴 (印) - 贝尔格莱德 (塞尔维亚)海得拉巴 (印) - 布琼布拉 (布隆迪)
海得拉巴 (印) - 圣地亚哥 (多米尼加共和国)海得拉巴 (印) - 巴马科 (马里)
海得拉巴 (印) - 阿灵顿 (美国, 墨西哥湾)海得拉巴 (印) - 布兰太尔 (马拉维)
海得拉巴 (印) - 亚的斯亚贝巴 (埃塞俄比亚)海得拉巴 (印) - 洛班巴 (斯威士兰)
海得拉巴 (印) - 普拉亚 (佛得角)海得拉巴 (印) - 哈博罗内 (博茨瓦纳)
海得拉巴 (印) - 阿卡普尔科 (墨西哥)海得拉巴 (印) - 卡馬圭 (古巴)
海得拉巴 (印) - 金士顿 (牙买加)海得拉巴 (印) - 塔那那利佛 (马达加斯加)
海得拉巴 (印) - 摩纳哥 (摩纳哥)海得拉巴 (印) - 科隆 (巴拿马)
海得拉巴 (印) - 乔治城 (开曼群岛)海得拉巴 (印) - 吉布提 (吉布提)
海得拉巴 (印) - 圣乔治 (格拉纳达)海得拉巴 (印) - 阿鲁沙 (坦桑尼亚)
海得拉巴 (印) - 帕拉马里博 (苏里南)海得拉巴 (印) - 亚美尼亚 (哥伦比亚)
海得拉巴 (印) - 路易港 (毛里求斯)海得拉巴 (印) - 金斯敦 (圣文森特和格林纳丁斯)
海得拉巴 (印) - 拉塞瓦 (洪都拉斯)海得拉巴 (印) - 昆卡 (厄瓜多尔)
海得拉巴 (印) - 尼亚美 (尼日尔)海得拉巴 (印) - 朱巴 (苏丹南部)
海得拉巴 (印) - 科伦坡 (斯里兰卡)海得拉巴 (印) - 班吉 (中非共和国)
海得拉巴 (印) - 圣马力诺 (圣马力诺)海得拉巴 (印) - 巴里萨尔 (孟加拉国)
海得拉巴 (印) - 达喀尔 (塞内加尔)海得拉巴 (印) - 圣约翰 (波多黎各)
海得拉巴 (印) - 斯科普里 (马其顿)海得拉巴 (印) - 圣多美和普林西比 (圣多美与普林西比)
海得拉巴 (印) - 巴基西梅托 (委内瑞拉)海得拉巴 (印) - 贝拉 (莫桑比克)
海得拉巴 (印) - 杜阿拉市 (喀麦隆)海得拉巴 (印) - 雷克雅未克 (冰岛)
海得拉巴 (印) - 巴塞尔 (瑞士)海得拉巴 (印) - 圣约翰 (安提瓜和巴布达)
海得拉巴 (印) - 巴斯特尔 (瓜德罗普岛)海得拉巴 (印) - 廷布 (不丹)
海得拉巴 (印) - 洛美 (多哥)海得拉巴 (印) - 安托法加斯塔 (智利)
海得拉巴 (印) - 马塞卢 (莱索托)海得拉巴 (印) - 马拉博 (赤道几内亚)
海得拉巴 (印) - 山谷 (鳗鱼)海得拉巴 (印) - 卡布韦 (赞比亚)
海得拉巴 (印) - 道镇 (英属维尔京群岛)海得拉巴 (印) - 恩贾梅纳 (乍得)
海得拉巴 (印) - 卡南加 (刚果民主共和国)海得拉巴 (印) - 布里奇敦 (巴巴多斯)
海得拉巴 (印) - 蒙得维的亚 (乌拉圭)海得拉巴 (印) - 贝尔莫潘 (伯利兹)
海得拉巴 (印) - 阿克伦 (美国, 大湖)海得拉巴 (印) - 乔治敦 (圭亚那)
海得拉巴 (印) - 基加利 (卢旺达)海得拉巴 (印) - 几内亚比绍 (几内亚比绍)
海得拉巴 (印) - 瓦杜兹 (列支敦士登)海得拉巴 (印) - 阿拉胡埃拉 (哥斯达黎加)
海得拉巴 (印) - 布拉柴维尔 (刚果)海得拉巴 (印) - 加德满都 (尼泊尔)
海得拉巴 (印) - 蒙罗维亚 (利比里亚)海得拉巴 (印) - 基多 (巴拉圭)
海得拉巴 (印) - 利伯维尔 (加蓬)

Product Overview:
Though ‘Reverse Osmosis’ process is invented in 1950s, the technology Is becoming popular for residential drinking water purposes in India in recent years, products are available in different models and brands. Interfacing value additions to existing reverse osmosis process, and transforming beautiful user friendly models are our team’s strength.

Product developed by us is of online water purifier for domestic use in different models and capacities. Converts contaminated/ impure water from any source like ground water/ river or municipal water, into safe drinking water (clean/potable water) with retained essential natural minerals. Intended users are households. It gives a comprehensive water purification solution by using Sediment Filter, pre-Carbon filter, "Reverse Osmosis" process, post-Carbon filter followed by UV (Ultra Violet) sterilization. Thus it removes all the four types of contaminants in water called physical, biological, bad color and bad odors of water and the total dissolved solids. It is conveniently mounted onto a kitchen-wall and is connected to a running water source to obtain pure and safe drinking water collected into the in-built stainless steel purified water storage tank.

What makes this product an innovative design solution?
It is an innovative design solution for the following reasons:
The Enclosures:
1. The enclosure is a sheet metal fabrication made out of aluminium unlike the available plastic molds in the market. The idea is to avoid using plastic to the extent possible as it is believed that hygienically metal is better opted than plastic.
2. The purified water is stored in a Stainless Steel tank unlike the in-built and non-detachable plastic tank models available in the market.
3. Besides, unlike the existing models, the storage tank is detachable for cleaning purposes.
4. Plastic is a by-product of petroleum which effects purified water and it undergoes chemical changes under environmental changes such as heat and light, and may cause secondary contamination. But, SS Tank is safe under all conditions.
5. Unlike all the existing models, the enclosure is designed to the easiest serviceability.

The Technology:
A unique digital technology in reverse osmosis water purification system is developed in-house and is patented as "Digital RO" and it is used to aid a digital interface to the water purification system, which is very unique in the market. There are manifold advantages of this Digital RO technology than other conventional models of water purifiers, and they are as follows:
1. It ensures that the consumables used in the product last to their optimum usage life.
2. It ensures better water purification.
3. User friendly and provides necessary information to the customer by digital LED indications like Power On, Purification On, Tank Full, No in-let water and Filter Change Alarm.

User Benefits:
The technology is very customer-friendly. It provides the information to the customer about the purification parameters like whether the over-head tank is full of water as no inlet water may cause temporary break-down of the product. This technology ensures optimum life of the consumables which is a considerable monetary implication to the customer, providing a cost-effective solution. Existing conventional water purifiers will not purport to the indication of the optimum specifications of the consumables. This technology is specification-perfect of the consumables. This technology ensures better purification standards. The fully automatic functioning of the product ensures ease of use. It is energy efficient comparatively over other existing products. The product aesthetics are well received by the market.

About the company

Private Limited Company

Activity: Manufacturing

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BlueLife TulipsRed Digital RO Water PurifierBlueLife TulipsRed Digital RO Water PurifierBlueLife TulipsRed Digital RO Water PurifierBlueLife TulipsRed Digital RO Water Purifier